Dentists Directory is the most comprehensive directory of Dentists in United States.
This website helps the public find Dentists clinics in their Location and by specialization. It also helps Dentists promote their services to the public.
There are about 6,540 Dental Clinics listed on the Directory. You can easily find Dental services within a certain distance from your suburb, by suburb, nearby suburbs, or by region using the map.
The public can also find a Dentist by specialization, such as Orthodontists or Pediatric Dentists.
Most Popular Treatments
You will find the most popular dental treatments on Dentists Directory and much more. Find services such as Teeth Whitening, Smile Enhancement, Routine Checkup, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Root Canal Therapy, etc. We’ve got you covered on

Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening treatments are transformational, adding a sparkle to your smile that can leave you with greater confidence. Find out where you can get the best teeth whitening service and the procedures involved.

Cosmetic Dentistry
With a range of cosmetic treatments available, find and contact the best dental service providers to discuss what you would like to change about the appearance of your smile and what treatment is best for you.

Root Canal Therapy
A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or has become infected. Find a competent dentist near you by going through the list of dentists in our directory.

Dental Implants
If you're living with a missing tooth but want something more permanent than dentures or a bridge, a dental implants could be the safe and secure solution you're looking for. Scroll through our list of the best dentists to find the best service for you.

Smile Enhanment
Patients are often confused about who can perform smile enhancement services. Here you will find a list of the best dentists who give you that confident smile.

Routine Checkup
A check-up allows your dentist to see if you have any dental problems and helps you keep your mouth healthy. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, tooth loss and could make them more difficult to treat in the future, so it's best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them altogether.
How To Easy Search a Dentist
1. Choose a Treatment Choose from our local categories of Dentists for the best dental clinic that meets your need. You’ve got nothing to worry about.
2. Enter your city We will help you find the best dental service providers near you.
3. Choose a dentist from the list Search through a number of dental clinics and get a heads up on each service provider from client reviews.
Read the latest articles on our website and stay abreast with all the latest happenings in the dental profession. Learn valuable tips on how to care for your dental health from our list of qualified dentists.
November 24 2021
What Is Medicaid, Medicare And CHIP Insurance?
Insurance is difficult to understand for a lot of people. It’s more so when contemplating state-sponsored insurance such as Medicaid and CHIP or government insurance like Medicare. Here’s what it’s all about. ...
December 05 2017
When to contact an orthodontist?
Beautiful, white and ideally aligned teeth are the beauty ideal. In order to enjoy it, it is not enough to just pay attention to the oral hygiene. It is necessary to prevent and treat malocclusions. ...
December 02 2017
Malocclusion in children: is it dangerous?
Every kind of malocclusion in a child can have very serious consequences. This is why we should begin the treatment right after we notice first symptoms of any type of bad bite. ...
November 30 2017
A treatment has to be conducted whenever a malocclusion is diagnosed. Otherwise, it may cause face deformation or have many undesirable health consequences. ...
November 28 2017
Malocclusion means all dysfunctions of the tooth form and the incorrect relation between the teeth. There are genetic factors which condition the occurrence of malocclusion, nonetheless, it is most often an effect of bad habits in childhood. ...
Last added dentists
February 10 2025
Welcome to Smile Heroes Dental and Orthodontics of Sun Valley, located at 8936 Glenoaks Blvd, Unit B, Sun Valley, CA 91352, where we turn dental visits into heroic adventures! With a ... .
February 10 2025
When you visit VaraniSmile, you will experience all that modern dentistry has to offer, including a comprehensive list of general, restorative and cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of the ... .
February 10 2025
Danbury Smiles - George L Landress, DDS, MAGD
Looking for an experienced dentist in Danbury, CT? Visit Danbury Smiles - George L Landress, DDS, MAGD today. Our experienced Danbury dentist in 06810 expertly delivers personalized dental services in General ... .
February 10 2025
Dental Smart Kids in Frisco, TX, provides exceptional pediatric dental care in a fun, welcoming environment. We focus on growing smiles with a gentle, personalized approach, prioritizing preventive care and education. ... .
Last updated dentists
February 03 2025 provides exceptional dental services led by Dr. Jonathan M. Abenaim, a Double Board Certified Implantologist with expertise in dental implants and aesthetic treatments. Serving NJ, Connecticut, and NY, Dr. Abenaim ... .
January 27 2025
Progressive Dental Group - Ramsey, NJ, Abhishek Sharma DDS
Progressive Dental Group We’re a group of energetic, values-driven dental clinicians dedicated to caring for all people — Since 2002, we’ve combined exciting technology with a warm and friendly team to ... .
January 27 2025
Lee Dental & Facial, dentist in Upper East Side, NY, offers various dental services, including dental implants. Dr. Angela Lee and her dedicated team focus on giving you a comfortable and ... .
January 20 2025
At Nalbandian Dentistry, we're dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate dental care to our patients. Established with a vision to redefine dental experiences, we strive to create a warm and welcoming ... .
December 23 2024
At Falls Dental, we're all about listening to patients. Hearing your concerns, answering your questions, and understanding your dental history allows us to recommend the best treatments and ensure your experience ... .
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